Don’t look for the answer to your every WHY

Sanskriti Thapliyal
4 min readFeb 27, 2022


A Blue colored question mark on a pink background.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Are you struggling to find the “why” behind a decision you want to make? Well, let me tell you that you’re better off not looking for the answer right now and that’s okay. Why?

Because your answer lies in a different mentality than the one you currently have.

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”- Albert Einstein

Understand why you are unable to find the answer

The answer is not clear to you as you are stressed and confused. The reason could be that the solution is something that will perhaps decide a future outcome.

Let’s say you are confused about the field to choose for your career. In this case, you are unsure of your interests and what you want to do in the future and hence fear a wrong choice. Even if you decide to choose a stream for further studies, you have second thoughts, which makes it tough for you to make a move.

Since in the above scenario the outcome of your choice is unpredictable, you feel stressed. The stress about such problems lowers your ability to think reasonably which can make matters worse. Therefore, you need to put yourself together first to get to the answer.

The answer to your question doesn’t fit into your current mentality

Most of the time the answers you are seeking don’t fit in the mentality you currently have. Your answer lies in a different mentality and you won’t find it within your deeper self.

Since childhood, you have fueled your subconscious mind with a specific set of beliefs. These beliefs hinder your ability to see the solution. Hence, you need an evolved perspective to understand it.

A new set of beliefs will evolve only after you learn how to develop your own beliefs by introspecting, gathering knowledge, and using your mind to think based on the knowledge you have obtained.

“To develop how to think, you would have to focus on the contents of the problem with absolute disregard for your personal judgements, biases and prejudices. Only then can a new pattern and a new understanding take birth.” — From ‘The Rudest Book Ever’ by Shwetabh Gangwar.

You will adapt to the new mentality gradually

Since your answer can’t be perceived through the beliefs and assumptions you have right now, you need to adopt an optimum state of mind. However, it is next to impossible for you to erase a bunch of beliefs that you have accumulated so far and change them in a go.

We as humans keep evolving our perceptions by constantly checking on them as per the circumstances we are in.

For example, you hate leaving your home and moving out to live independently for further studies. But as you grow up, you realize how liberating moving out for further studies can be. You learn new things, get to meet people with different upbringings, and grow as a person overall.

Similarly, we also break out of old, hindering belief patterns and alter them as we find more convincing ones. Hence, be open to new ideas and keep improving your beliefs by reading about diverse perspectives.

Evolving your beliefs and growing mentally is a gradual process and we need to be patient enough.

Believe in your ability to gradually see the answer at the right time

You get a clear understanding of something only after you have the proper knowledge and a better perception for that matter.

When you were a kid, there were a lot of things that you learned without knowing their meanings.

Your parents did an excellent job by making you take action most of the time without explaining to you the importance of the same. They taught you how to communicate, walk or wipe your face with a handkerchief when your innocent mind did not know why you are doing it. You got the point.

Similarly, you do not need to always know the “why” behind doing something. You do it because it seems right to you. Moreover, taking action generally clears your mind of all the negative, soul-sucking thoughts that trigger indecisiveness.

What if my problem requires immediate action?

If your problem needs immediate action, don’t worry about making the right decision. The right decision is just an illusion and your mind will sooner or later convince you that your decision was the best one.

Right now, make the decision that you think is most relevant considering the present scenario. Don’t worry about the decision and avoid having second thoughts about the same.

Remember: The best decision is just an illusion. Whether you take the best decision or not, you will always have to work to get the best outcome.


In this article, I talked about why it’s important to not look for the answer to every “why” of yours. I explained how you can beat indecisiveness and find the solution by believing in your ability to gradually figure out the answer.

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Sanskriti Thapliyal
Sanskriti Thapliyal

Written by Sanskriti Thapliyal

Content Writer| Helping brands create credibility through authoritative content| Entrepreneur| Believer|

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